‘Shiptober: Will ‘Scandal’ season 5 give Olivia, Fitz stability?

The past several seasons of “Scandal” have contained so much flip-flopping when it comes to this romance, it may be relatively easy to confuse it for the actions of a politician. Every time that these two have gotten close to a point where it looks like they can have a relatively-normal relationship (at least as far as this show goes), something happens and the rug is pulled out completely from under them.

Has this changed now? We hope so, given that Fitz took Olivia out on a date at the end of this past episode and he’s willing to even face impeachment if he means that he doesn’t have to continue living a lie. We’re laying out the case for the two staying together and also splitting apart below in the latest edition of our ‘Shiptober series, so be prepared to dive in and vote on what you want to see happen below.

The case for more Olivia / Fitz – They are the couple in which much of the show is based about, and unless you just want to have them together in the series finale, don’t we have to let them try this relationship out eventually? We think so, and part of our excitement right now for season 5 is that you’re finally getting to explore what the world of “Scandal” looks like with these two in a power position. Want to see what a relationship could look like, or how it could impact Olivia Pope and Associates? We’re going to get that chance, provided that they stay together. It also gives Mellie so much in the way of great material, since she will be on a warpath.

The case for splitting them up – This is really all about keeping the drama high and making these two characters as perpetually miserable as possible. We’re not saying that this is the right way to go about things, but there’s no denying that there are plenty of shows out there who like doing this. Splitting them up now would make things almost nuclear between Mellie and Olivia, and it would raise questions about if she would ever want to go down this road with the President ever again? If the show wants to create that sort of serious relationship jeopardy, this would be the way to do it.

One thing we do feel pretty confident about is that given this is “Scandal,” we could certainly see Olivia and Fitz break up, get back together, break up, and then get back together again within a matter of weeks. Things always tend to turn on a dime in this world.

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