‘Shiptober: Will ‘The Walking Dead’ pair up Daryl, Carol in season 6?
It’s incredible the amount of pairings that exist for a guy like Daryl Dixon on “The Walking Dead.” We’ve seen him linked up with everyone from Beth to Aaron to Carol to even Rick, and we think that much of this stems from how he is such an enigmatic when it comes to this character’s romantic life. There were rumors (which have since been more or less denied) that the character was gay, just as there are also still rumors about whether or not the character could be a virgin. We still don’t know, and we think that the show likes it that way.
Still, examining Daryl’s love life is a field day for TV writers, and for this edition of our CarterMatt ‘Shiptober series we’re going to focus on the most-popular ‘ship of them all: Daryl and Carol. The couple that kicks butt together has the happiest life together, right? We like to think so. Take a look below for what we see in terms of credible reasons to pair these two up, and also reasons to keep them apart.
The argument for a Daryl / Carol romance – If there are two people more suited for each other in this world besides Carol and Daryl, we’d love to know who they are. They’ve both in some ways become broken people who take to zombie-killing as a way to help handle their pain. Both have lost loved ones and have at times turned off their humanity; they understand how each other feels, and have an almost-unspoken language that they can go to when things get tough. They have also both suffered abuse in their lives and have found ways to over come it on their own as well as together, making their connection deeper then most couples.
One of the questions we often like to ask ourselves when it comes to “Walking Dead” romances is whether or not we could see the two together if the zombies ever went away, and in this case, they could continue to make it work. Carol could make him some cookies, and then the two could go off into the wild riding away on his motorcycle. Their connection goes beyond circumstance and into personal history.
The argument for no romance – The biggest one may just be that Norman Reedus has never seemed all that interested in pairing up the character with anyone. He enjoys the mystery of it all, and there is a certain degree of fun that comes with that. If Daryl ever started to become involved with someone, would there be anywhere near as much discussion about it? One other question is simply whether or not he is wired for that sort of connection. He grew up learning how to be a lone wolf, and while he has learned to care for others (the zombie apocalypse has probably helped him more than most people), he may just not ever be ready for a deeper commitment.
Les Shu
October 26, 2015 @ 3:08 pm
YES YES YES ’cause that would make the grossest thing ever existed in a TV show! Just go ahead create this forever laughable legend. LOL
October 23, 2015 @ 6:16 pm
I think in past season’s Carol and Daryl could have happened, but, they are completely different people now. Carol seems to have lost it, a lot like Rick, and Daryl’s over there playing save mankind. So what would happen if Carol wants to kill someone that Daryl wants to save? So If they ever did get together, which is highly unlikely at this point, but if they did, most likely one would end up killing the other.
October 23, 2015 @ 5:06 am
I think taking their friendship/relationship to the next level is long overdue. I thought the writers should have explored the possibility of Daryl being a virgin- definitely an interesting option, but only if they had explored that sooner- like season 2 or 3. Now I think they need to make it sexy and humorous like only Daryl and Carol can be…or show us they have been together for awhile now and keeping it under wraps. I like to think they live in the same house in Alexandria…
October 23, 2015 @ 4:12 am
Norman just said in an interview (with Melissa present) that he has been “making googly eyes at her since season1, and it about time”, when asked if he was for Carol and Daryl falling in love. So NR is on board. It’s time.
Wilma K
October 23, 2015 @ 2:23 am
LMAO! Wow this is getting old and tiresome.
October 23, 2015 @ 2:29 am
October 23, 2015 @ 2:22 am
Since time immemorial have had chemistry!
Bea Fraidy
October 23, 2015 @ 2:03 am
“If Daryl ever started to become involved with someone, would there be anywhere near as much discussion about it?” Why yes. Where were you a year ago when Beth was in the picture? No to Carol and Daryl. Pair him (and her if Carol ever wants romance) with someone with whom he/she has romantic chemistry. Yeah, they’re friends. So are a lot of people. They just don’t make a compelling romantic pairing.
October 23, 2015 @ 2:29 am
Zero chemistry. Polar opposites. Just NO!
October 23, 2015 @ 2:09 pm
They do have romantic chemistry. There was no chemistry with Beth. Besides,Beth was 17 years old….waaayyy too young for a 40 year old man. Sorry Dude, but you are outnumbered….the majority of fans want Caryl.
October 23, 2015 @ 8:38 pm
I agree. Beth was never in the picture. Noah was the same age as Beth and Daryl referred to Noah as “just a damned kid”. There was no chemistry between Daryl and Beth. Daryl cares about Carol, worries about her and needs to know that she’s alright. Her opinion matters to him and she’s important to him on a whole other level.
When Carol took down Terminus and the group managed to get back together, Daryl was separated from his entire family , but he never once hugged Michonne, Sasha or Maggie the way he hugged Carol. Some people tried to say it was sibling-like….nope, that was the Rick/Carol hug. Daryl and Carol go much, much deeper.
October 24, 2015 @ 3:27 am
Exactly. If this nut sees chemistry with a 40+ yo old man and a 17 year old girl, there is something seriously, seriously wrong with them.
October 22, 2015 @ 10:41 am
I need them to be together sooo badly. They are perfect to each other!
Christine Chappell
October 22, 2015 @ 6:46 am
Yes please and thank you. Get on with it already!!
October 22, 2015 @ 12:01 am
How much do we have to wait to see them finally together!!!
October 21, 2015 @ 11:51 pm
Yes, I’ve been shipping them for years. I’ve never seen such a beautiful connection. It would be groundbreaking.
Also, as much as Norman likes to say Daryl is a lone wolf, I don’t see it at all. He needs people. He needed Merle and then when Merle disappeared, he needed the Atlanta group.
October 19, 2015 @ 7:01 pm
I think it’s time they did. It doesn’t have to take over the show and I don’t believe it would so yes, I think they are a perfect match.
October 23, 2015 @ 8:12 pm
Well said Heather. Bring on Caryl!!!
October 19, 2015 @ 6:59 pm
Of course, they’ve got more chemistry than even the likes of Mulder and Scully. And it’d be nice to see the heartthrob of a show get with someone his own age for once as opposed to some bimbo 20 years younger.