‘Sleepy Hollow’ season 3, episode 3 preview: The latest attack from Pandora
We may sound a bit of broken record in stating something in this “Sleepy Hollow” article that we’ve stated already in other places, but it certainly bears repeating: This season so far is far and away better than season 3. It is equally intense in many ways, but more simplified and oodles more fun. Some of the charm of season 1 is back, and we also have a pretty clear Big Bad in Pandora. At the end of Thursday night’s new episode, Ichabod and Abbie managed to put together the pieces in a way that allowed them to learn the truth about who was shipping out some of the monsters in town.
While the synopsis below may not be the most revealing in the world, it should at least give you a sense that for her latest trick, Pandora is going to use the past in many ways against our characters. Take a look:
“Fear is rampant in Sleepy Hollow when Pandora releases an ancient artifact from her box that can transform an ordinary human into a terrifying figure from the past.”
We do wish that the promo below offered up more of a true sense of what is coming in this episode, other than just regurgitating most of what we’ve said already. Still, beggars can’t be choosers, and right now we are hoping / begging that there are enough people still interested in watching the show that it finds a way to stick around. The ratings for the premiere were less-than-desirable.
Where do you want to see the story go from here on “Sleepy Hollow”? Let us know in the comments.
October 11, 2015 @ 2:49 am
I don’t mean to be that person, but in the first sentence it states that this season of SH is better than season 3. This is season 3. Anyway, it is kicking season’s 2 butt and I love it. This is my favorite show and I’m praying Fox doesn’t cancel it. Doesn’t bode well that Fox put it on Thursday night against Scandal and Blacklist and hasn’t really been advertised. I will enjoy every moment I have with Ichabbie!