‘Shiptober: Will ‘Teen Wolf’ season 5 pair Stiles with Malia, Lydia, or someone else?
Throughout our ‘Shiptober series here at CarterMatt, we’re looking at the future for a variety of TV couples and characters, and few other shows have the popularity or the pairing possibilities of this one. “Teen Wolf” has more ‘ships than some countries have in a Navy, and we imagine that we will have many articles in this particular series all about the MTV alone.
For the sake of this particular article, let’s focus on someone who has definitely been ‘shipped with almost everyone under the sun in Stiles. We’ve seen him long to be with Lydia, have a relationship with Malia, and explore the light and dark sides of his personality. He’s been through the wringer, and with the nature of this show being what it is, it does not look like there will anything changing for him in the near future.
So where does he stand at the moment with some of these characters? There is a little bit of flux, but for now, we have to consider Malia to be his present romantic partner … but anything can change when season 5 starts airing early next year.
The case for Malia – There is already the history there for this to continue, even if Malia has spent most of season 5 so far having to deal with Theo, and in part the Desert Wolf mythology that is going to come more and more to light. She’s a powerful person, someone who can care for Stiles in a way that no one else can. Not only that, but she is someone who has shown him love. While there may be times it is easy to ‘ship him with other people, you want to see him happy. There’s no guarantee that the feelings for someone else are going to change. She’s already been there for him, and if they can survive this season, there is still hope for a future.
The case for Lydia – We know that this has been a dream for many fans for years, and maybe at some point earlier in the run we assumed that this is where the story was going. We’re not so sure about that anymore, but we know that Stiles has had those sort of romantic feelings for her. We’re just not entirely sure that they have ever been properly reciprocated. They did have that kiss back in season 3, but you can still look back at Lydia’s motives for it (stopping a panic attack) as evidence that maybe she did not realize completely all of the implications behind what she was doing.
The case for someone else – Scott and Kira do have a fun dynamic, even though she is tied more to Scott. We also don’t want to ignore the Stiles / Derek or Stiles / Scott fans out there; while the sexuality of the characters on the show makes it near-impossible something would happen, you should acknowledge anytime that a pair of characters generates such a strong reaction that it makes people intrigued enough to ‘ship them. In ignoring that, are basically conveying that the opinions of some fans do not matter.
marie line
November 30, 2015 @ 6:44 pm
Sterek forever.
November 26, 2015 @ 2:29 pm
i think someone hacked the poll for sterek.
did someone write a script or something to make sterek at top.
just a few days ago derek was like 5% or something.
November 25, 2015 @ 10:40 pm
Sterek always reigns
November 25, 2015 @ 5:10 pm
I say he should be with a bed and a blanket. The guy needs some goddamn sleep. Y’all be screaming in Caps at each other about who this fictional character could be with. It’s annoying. How about watching the show and following the damn story line. That’s all i’ve gotta say. Now get back to telling everyone why your choice is so much better
Larissa Rivaille
November 24, 2015 @ 10:32 pm
“…while the sexuality of the characters on the show makes it near-impossible something would happen, you should acknowledge anytime that a pair of characters generates such a strong reaction that it makes people intrigued enough to ‘ship them. In ignoring that, are basically conveying that the opinions of some fans do not matter”. Condescendente pouco, esse autor desse texto, não é mesmo?
Essa pessoa claramente nunca assistiu ao show ou prestou atenção ao plot. Desde a primeira temporada – ouso dizer, desde o primeiro episódio – que você percebe que Stiles não é mais um heterossexual como praticamente todo o resto do elenco é.
A partir do momento em que a pessoa não afirma que é heterossexual, supor que ela é não é somente rude, como desrespeitoso. Em pleno 2015 ainda há textos como esse que tratam não somente as shippers do slash fandom, como os personagens que fogem do pré-determinado heterossexualismo, como “ah, eles existem, bora colocar um tiquinho de espaço aqui pra eles, mas não os deixe ficar confortáveis, porque aqui é lugar de gente ‘normal'”. Ridículo.
No mais, quando sterek ganhar, porque não é uma questão de se, é uma questão de quando, ficarei feliz do nosso ladinho slash contaminar o mundinho heterossexual de todos.
November 24, 2015 @ 7:24 pm
Stiles will be better in a relationship with Derek!! There friendship is legendary, we know that Tyler H. left the show, but still,STEREK shipper are stronger then aver. And it’s sad that Jeff D. is losing a big opportunity to make history, being the 1st popular TV Show with the mean characters are Bisexual, representing 21s century reality, where homophobic are not welcome anymore in hour society!
November 24, 2015 @ 11:59 pm
Omg you go IT dude that Just true !!!
November 26, 2015 @ 7:09 pm
How to Get Away With Murder’s lead character is bisexual. (She’s also a woman of color.) HTGAWM also features a very popular gay couple. Clearly it’s a huge missed opportunity for Davis & co. Being on a cable network they could have pushed the boundaries even father than network TV, but here’s a show on ABC that’s already done that and more. It’s a total shame because with the younger fanbase that TV draws, Stiles coming out as bisexual could have been a major source of inspirational courage for young people. Plus, the chemistry between O’Brien and Hoechlin was magic but it was all thrown aside. Pity.
marie line
November 30, 2015 @ 6:45 pm
True words.
October 6, 2015 @ 5:05 pm
Stiles and Malia. Hope Stydia never happens it’ll ruin the dynamic the pair have and honestly it’ll feel like they were only put together to please the fans and not because they were “meant” to be together. Lydia has also NEVER returned Stiles feelings while Stiles feelings have practically gone, unless you count the scene with Stiles freezing and Lydia being hurt but honestly I’d react like that is a really close friend was hurt so not sure how that “proves” Stiles has feelings for her still.
Lahey Forever
October 8, 2015 @ 1:52 pm
Actually, when Scott,Kira,Stiles, and Lydia were in Eichen House on 5×05, Stiles and Lydia were talking to Dr.Valak while Scott and Kira were talking about them. Scott told Kira that Stiles still likes her. The hastang #StilesStillLikesHer even appeared on the bottom right of the screen.
October 9, 2015 @ 5:38 pm
Yeah that said STILES likes her, NOT Lydia and like and how Scott and Kira talk about it could EASILY be saying that Stiles likes her as freind and not romantically, especially when Scott said “Its different now” Though I’m hoping they wearn’t talking about Stiles having feelings for Lydia or Kira and Scott were being REALLY rude, especially towards Malia and her feelings towards Stiles, its like their completly dissmissing the fact Stiles AND MALIA were together still, and Malia’s own feelings for Stiles.
I don’t think Kira and Scott could be that dissmissive of Malia or her feelings for Stiles, its not in their characters to do so but if they were talking about Stydia and romance, my own personal opinion on them have both dropped, and Kira would no longer be one of my fav character, as I would defiantly not like them for being THAT rude about Stiles and Malia, they didn’t even agnowlage the fact Stiles HAS A GIRLFRIEND and thats just ugh…
I would never be so so dismissive of one of my freinds feelings like that. Its like Malia’s feelings for Stiles didn’t matter to them at all, if they were talking about Lydia and Stiles like that and I just find that really rude. But as I don’t think Scott and Kira have it in them to be THAT rude, I’m seeing it as they work well togther and their good freinds who care for each other but don’r have feelings for each other. The StileslikesLydia tag I either believe they meant as in he cares for her deeply as a freind or it was just there to bait Stydia fans.
October 9, 2015 @ 7:04 pm
i totally agree with you.
scott clearly says its different now.
stydia should never happen.
October 18, 2015 @ 1:39 am
Don’t worry, guys, it’s just baiting. Like come on. It’s clear. I’m not a fan of Stiles and Malia but I can also say that they have got a chance to be together while S/L will never be shown in any different way than a close friendship.
Anyway I like friendships in this show better than romances. I’m sorry but as I said I’m not a fan of Malia and Stiles and ….. almost all romantic relationships in this show except the thing that I liked Scott and Allison :))