‘Sleepy Hollow’ season 3: See (and hopefully praise) the new promotional poster
We would wager that we only tend to like about 30% of the promotional posters put out there by major networks before season premieres. Often, they really fail at either getting the tone for the show correct, or presenting anything that is actually artistic or worth our time. The worst ones in our mind are the ones that just take a promotional photo, spin it, and then act like it is something totally different. There are CW series that have been doing this for years.
The new poster for “Sleepy Hollow” season 3, meanwhile, is something we really dig for a number of different reasons.
1. It’s creepy – The tree branches are a really nice touch, and the same goes for the presence of all of the birds. In our mind, these are meant to clearly be crows / ravens, which are additional reminders of the show’s creep factor.
2. It focuses on the basics – Ichabod. Abbie. What more do you need? While Jenny is still an important part of the show in her own right, it is the Witnesses who carry the series and make or break what we see. Placing them at the center of the action is a big part of why the first season worked, and why the second season struggled.
3. It’s a ‘shipper field day – For all of you out there who root for these two to get together, you can probably picture a heart within the open space between the trees. It’s almost the show’s version of a Rorschach test.
The new season premieres on Fox come Thursday, October 1, and you can head over here right away to get some further news and insight. Also, sign up right away if you are interested in having some additional TV news sent over to you courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Fox.)