‘Girl Meets World’ season 2, episode 15 reaction: The meaning within ‘Girl Meets Farkle’

Girl Meets World -Within almost every episode of “Girl Meets World” there tends to be some sort of social message, and this was certainly true once more regarding “Girl Meets Farkle,” the latest new episode that aired on the Disney Channel come Friday night. This was an episode about in part finding yourself, and also determining whether or not anything should define you.

We know that the show’s writers and producers worked closely with experts to ensure that the story of Farkle possibly having Asperger’s syndrome was presented accurately, and that the majority of the other students’ reaction to the news was handled well. It has been clear to Riley and others for some time that Farkle is different, but they have never really been able to accurately determine why. With this diagnosis, they could have figured out a way to label him … and thankfully they didn’t do that. He just continued to be Farkle, and they loved him just for that.

In some ways, we realize that “Girl Meets World” is an idealized world where characters are kind and uplifting, and if only this was the way society really was, the world would certainly be a much better place. If this episode managed to better promote peace, love, and understanding, then it likely accomplished its goal in proving that a diagnosis, despite whether or not it comes to fruition, does not change who a person is.

We also don’t want to diminish the fact that Farkle and Riley had some good one-liners in this episode, as well, and the presence of these kept the story from ever feeling too preachy, or like the writers were really trying to push a certain way of thinking down anyone’s throat.

What did you think about the episode, and about the way the show presented some of these issues? Share in the comments, and head over here to preview further what is coming up on “Girl Meets World”! Also, you can sign up here in the event you want some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right in your direction via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Disney Channel.)

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