‘The Blacklist’ season 3 spoilers: Liz Keen on the run becomes public knowledge
There is going to be very little that Elizabeth Keen can do to hide when “The Blacklist” season 3 premieres later this fall. She is not going to be under-the-radar, and even the news media is going to be doing their part to help catch her.
The post below comes via star Megan Boone’s Instagram account, and it shows a TV scroll as proof that everyone is going to be doing their part to report on Liz on the run. How far she gets is going to be one of the interesting parts of the premiere episode, along with what the specific role of people like Reddington and Ressler will be in the proceedings that follow.
What’s so interesting in discussing “The Blacklist” season 3 right now is that there is really only so much that the show can tease. It’s like a double-edged sword. Obviously, you want to do everything that you can in order to promote your show during the months that you are on hiatus, but when you have a cliffhanger as epic as this one, you cannot report on much since it could give something away.
The one thing that we’re pretty sure of is that it will hard for this show to be the same again. While we very much think that Liz won’t be on the run forever, can she ever really go back and work with the FBI in the same way again? That will be interesting to see.
(Photo: NBC.)
August 8, 2015 @ 8:23 pm
Her face already was in news media in the last episode of s2.