‘Longmire’ season 4 spoilers: ‘Revenge’ alum Barry Sloane teases appearance

Longmire -One of the many things that “Longmire” has done right over the past eight months or so is keep almost everything that is pertinent about the fourth season a secret. That means that other than some teasers here and there from TCA recently (including that we’ll have longer episodes and more of a long-form story), they’ve kept the plot details and even some castings a secret.

Specifically, one mystery casting we’re excited to find out more about is that of Barry Sloane’s. We really enjoyed watching him on “Revenge” back when he was a part of it, and this has to be a fairly exciting role for him given just how different it is from either that show or his recent role in “The Whispers.” In case you are wondering how this worked out schedule-wise, it is that filming for “The Whispers” season 1 was over long before he had a chance to book this part.

For now, other details are pretty scarce … but you can see Barry tease this part in a post on Twitter below.

The fourth season of “Longmire” will start streaming on Netflix on September 10, but we imagine that some sort of official trailer will drop in the coming weeks. Our feeling is that Netflix could wait until the TCA Summer Press Tour is over at this point before unveiling it, if for no other reason than that this would keep the video from getting buried in a saw of other TV headlines.

As soon as some more information is announced, you better believe we will have it for you here.

Want to get some other news right away when it comes to “Longmire”? Then be sure to head over to this link right away, and head over to this link to get some other TV scoop on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Netflix.)


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