‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: Shelli, Vanessa tells Liz all about Austin

AustinWe did not expect to be sitting around enjoying the live feeds so much this afternoon on “Big Brother 17,” mostly because we didn’t expect everything to blow up surrounding the Sixth Sense alliance so soon. We know that Vanessa and Shelli want to let Liz in on what is going on with Austin, but telling her and running the risk of him learning about it so soon is dangerous.

Before Vanessa even got Liz up there for her interrogation, she, Shelli, and Austin had a lengthy conversation where he almost accidentally got some of the target off of himself, talking about how suspicious Johnny Mac and James were after the Veto competition that Clay won. He actually made good points about how the After Dark Crew could get with Becky, Johnny Mac, and Jackie, and they could have a big alliance that they are keeping secret.

Unfortunately, Austin screwed himself big time by denying that he was the hinky vote on Audrey, even though Julia already made it clear that he was.

The Liz conversation seemed to get the target back on Austin again, as she tried hard to distance herself from him by saying that she didn’t really like him that much, which is probably true. As terrible of a player as Austin has been as of late, is he still better for the Sixth Sense than keeping around the entire other side of the house? The biggest fear here has to be for Vanessa, since Austin could expose a lot her deals and if he goes, she becomes a much bigger threat.

We’ll be back again later tonight; we imagine that this is going to get even crazier soon.

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