‘Big Brother 17’ live feed spoilers: A Veto winner and squirrel suits

VanessaThe Power of Veto Competition is over on “Big Brother 17” now, and we have already seen everything from tears to squirrel costumes within the span of a few short minutes.

Who ended up winning the Veto this week? Predictably given that he was on the block, Clay managed to pull through for his first competition victory of the season. It was unlikely he would have gone home, but this does make it so much likelier now that the group is going to be able to get Austin out of the game as originally planned. Now, everything lies on Vanessa going through with the plan that has been much discussed. There is a reason why she did not want to be Head of Household: She talked up so many of her plans thinking that Jackie was going to be the one who had to go through with them, and not her given that she is going to be betraying someone in a big way no matter what she does.

If Vanessa puts up Austin, she is basically signaling the end of the Sixth Sense and she probably has two enemies in Liz and Julia. While she can go back to them with the information that Jason got from Austin about wanting to go to jury house alone with Liz, they’ll still know how duplicitous she is in the game. Meanwhile, with Steve she has an alliance in the Students of Sound, and she is one of the only people in the game that he trusts.

While Clay can be relieved for a few days, Becky is now tearing up over the thought of having to stay on the block and maybe go home … though that is probably not going to happen unless some insanity breaks out.

While for now it seems assured that Austin is a dead man walking, there is still time before the Veto Ceremony Monday for things to change. The best thing that he can really hope for is that someone tells Liz about the original plan, she tells him, and then they figure something else out. The problem is that Clay of course is saving himself, and he has lied to Vanessa on multiple occasions now.

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