‘Arrow’ season 4 spoilers: Teasing up Sara Lance’s ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ arc

White CanaryAre you ready to see how “Legends of Tomorrow” brings forth the new Sara Lance? Let’s just say that you are not the only person who is curious. The last we saw her, she was dead … very dead…. in the ground, buried six feet under dead. So dead that we did not think that even the Lazarus Pits were really an option for someone like her since she would likely be decomposing under the earth. Don’t the pits have to have some sort of limitations like growing back skin or other organs? Guess not, which means that anyone who dies on this show is never really dead and as much as we like Sara Lance it really lowers the stakes, because death is no longer something to be feared since one dip in the pool means life is returned.

Anyway, “Arrow” is going to be the show where we get a worthy introduction to whatever is happening with this character, and the pits will make for an interesting place for such a potential revival now that Malcolm Merlyn is in charge of them. Based on what Marc Guggenheim had to say on this subject to Entertainment Weekly, it seems like Malcolm will play some sort of role in how Sara ends up being brought back into this world:

“He’s got a strong point of view on [that] … It’s going to be handled head-on. We’re doing a really great episode that really tackles the question of Sara, death and resurrection. On Arrow, nothing is easy, so it’s not as simple as dumping her in the water.”

The main reason we are so fond of this quote is that it does a really great job of reminding us why we do not have that much to worry about. Our primary concern has mostly been whether or not Sara’s death would be cheapened by an easy revival (anyone remember the tea and will power revival Oliver had after being dead on a mountain for four days in the snow?), and this sounds as though bringing her back will be anything but easy. Also, being dead for so long and coming back could change her in radical ways, which should add a really exciting element to her character.

If you did not see it earlier, we recommend that you also check out some “Arrow” villain scoop right now at the link here. Also, you can sign up here to get some further TV news on everything we cover now via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)

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