‘Game of Thrones’ season 6: The hope for Jon Snow continues

Melisandre -At this particular point in time, production on “Game of Thrones” season 6 is getting set to be underway in Belfast, Northern Ireland. We’re sure that there are going to be people desperately looking around every corner to see if Kit Harington is there; we’re not going to do that, mostly because as much fun as it is to speculate whether or not Jon Snow is coming back, we do actually want to be surprised come the season 6 premiere if he somehow makes it through being stabbed repeatedly by his brothers of the Night’s Watch.

What we do at least find somewhat fascinating and ironic that someone responsible for one of the most horrific scenes in all of season 5 really wants to see Jon Snow survive. We are of course speaking of Carice van Houten, who plays the mysterious Melisandre. She told Stannis that the Lord of Light would appreciate his sacrificing his daughter Shireen, and it would aid him in the war. As it turns out, Melisandre’s not nearly as good at figuring out what the Lord of Light wants as she thought.

Speaking per The Sun, Carice stated at the London Film and Comic-Con over this past week “No! He can’t be dead!” when talking about the character. Note that this was said more in a “I’ll be stunned if he’s gone” sort of way, and not necessarily as any evidence he is coming back.

Carice also admitted to be very much aware that fans are hoping that she has some sort magical spell that could revive the character:

“I’ve seen that on the internet; like I’ve seen stuff saying ‘we’ll forgive you if you save him.'”

We’ll ultimately get our answer in due time … meaning probably the spring of next year, unless HBO announces it officially one way or another. Note that Kit Harington and the show producers have acted like Jon is gone, but what else do you expect them to say?

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