‘Major Crimes’ season 4 spoilers: Rusty’s big breakthrough

Major Crimes -Over the course of much of “Major Crimes” season 4 so far, one of the big questions has revolved around Rusty and his persistence in the Alice Herrera case. He has made some progress in at least figuring out that she has a brother out there who could provide some valuable information. What’s the problem? It is really as simple as this: Trying to find where he is.

Well, it looks like we know a time in which the mystery man known as Gustavo will be tracked down: Monday, August 3. Specifically, this will be in an episode entitled “Wish You Were Here,” and if you want to get some news in terms of what to expect, take a look at the synopsis below:

“When a YouTube video of a bloodied, half-naked man walking down the middle of a street with a gun goes viral, Major Crimes must decide whether the victim was targeted, or a potential suicide. Rusty asks Sharon for help as he finally finds Alice Herrera’s brother, Gustavo.”

We don’t want to avoid the case-of-the-week part of this episode, either, mostly because of its importance now in the cop procedural format. More and more over time we are seeing shows base some of their cases around modern technology like YouTube and social media, and an element of the story that goes along with this is that you often do not have detectives who are privy to the inner workings of such applications. It doesn’t sound like YouTube itself is integral to the case here beyond just being a vessel for the video to go out, but an understanding in how such things work can help.

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