‘UnREAL’ season 1, episode 5 preview: Putting the pressure on Faith
It has already been very much well-documented just how desperate the production of “Everlasting” on Lifetime’s “UnREAL” is when it comes to making big TV moments. They really do not care who they embarrass, how the embarrassment happens, or what sort of ramifications could about as a result. As long as they produce good entertainment, they are happy.
Therefore, this puts the show in a position come episode 5 where we have Rachel potentially having to convince Faith to have Adam take her virginity. She may not want to do it, but we have already seen that she is not exactly in a position where she can just stand up and quit the job. It may be her only choice to convince her to make a big move, even if Faith is hesitant and she seems to value her sense of morality. The show has already put in a ton of work into this character, making her into the ultimate underdog from the start. Production thought she would be a night-one joke, but Adam has actually kept her around and has done his part to make it seem as though she is cared for.
By the end of the preview, it seems that Faith is ready to take the plunge … but plenty could still happen before we reach the end of the episode.
As we’ve said before, we’re excited as much as everyone to see what happens from here. This is the first week where we don’t have the episode online early to watch and discuss.
Want to get some other news regarding the future of “UnREAL” this season? Head over here for some words via Constance Zimmer, and you can also sign up here in the event you want some other TV news on just about everything we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Lifetime.)