‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ preview: Shannon Beador – Meghan King Edmonds conflicts

Orange -You would think that a trip to Napa would allow for some people to rest and relax, but in the world of “The Real Housewives of Orange County,” this really just serves as more of a means for conflict to escalate. There are going to be arguments aplenty on Monday night’s new episode, and there is also one other major issue that will take center stage: Meghan King Edmonds hosting a charity event (another something that you think would be peaceful but never is with this show), and deciding not to invite Shannon Beador to it over some tension that the two ladies have had. Nobody likes to be left out, and really with this show, you have to assume that leaving someone out is going to be problematic. This is a world were people always have a chance to speak their minds many times over!

If you want some news in terms of what to expect, just take a look at the synopsis below:

“A trip to Napa concludes with tensions at a high. Back in the OC, Vicki and Brooks consider some unconventional cancer treatments, Meghan puts the final touches on her first OC charity event while Heather faces the harsh reality of going over budget on her dream home. Meanwhile, Shannon receives some shocking news and unresolved issues between her and Meghan become the topic of the ladies’ scrutiny at Meghan’s JDRF charity event.”

One thing that Meghan is going to have to realize, especially with these particular women at the moment, is that she is going to be under an almost-constant microscope. She is the newcomer to the mix, and in addition to that, she’s also much younger than many of them. She’s going to be the odd woman out herself on many occasions, and ingratiation is the key.

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