‘MasterChef’ season 6, episode 6 preview: Will Stephen be a compelling leader?

MasterChef -We are pretty sure that we’ve said this already in a few “MasterChef” preview articles, but it bears repeating: We’re a big fan of Stephen’s when it comes to pure entertainment. He swears, argues, can be extremely cranky, but also seems to be a pretty solid cook. He has managed to work his way into this competition, and to go along with that is the Team Captain going into the Las Vegas team challenge on Wednesday night’s new episode.

Here’s the thing: We feel like there is potential here to be a train wreck, given that Stephen is very opinionated, and we could see him alienating other members of his team in a split second. However, he seems to very much have the approval of his team in the sneak peek below! They seem to be very attentive to what he is saying, and in turn that may lead to them all doing a very good job at communicating during the task.

If Stephen pulls out a win here and spares his team from a Pressure Test, he may move further from being just a “big personality” and move closer to a top contender to win the entire competition.

The problem here is that this is a tiny sneak peek, and we know by now that these can be very misleading. The challenge hasn’t even started yet, and therefore there is still a ton of time for things to go wrong and for him to crumble.

Want to get some other news when it comes to “MasterChef”? Then be sure to head over to the link here for our most-recent episode review, or sign up now in the event you want some other TV updates on just about everything we cover, sent right in your direction via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Fox.)

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