‘Big Brother Canada 3’ exclusive: Kevin Martin on Godfrey’s game, cutthroat strategy, and balloon-popping
In our “Big Brother Canada 3” finale interview with Kevin Martin, we had a fun time picking his brain. It also took us about a few seconds to realize more of why this guy had so much airtime throughout the season: He gives really good soundbytes, and he articulates his strategy well. You get a sense of why he voted for Sarah, but also how his perception of Godfrey has changed since being out in the real world. It’s fascinating stuff, and that’s why we think if there is ever an All-Star season for the show, he could be a darkhorse contender to get a spot. (Sarah and Brittnee are to us the only two locks to be asked back if that happens.)
Oh, and to take a look at our other exit interviews for the day, click on the image below.
CarterMatt – So what have you been up to since the end of the game?
Kevin Martin – Well I’ve been able to talk to Godfrey a little bit more! I’ve been able to talk a lot of people since the game ended, and Godfrey did some crazy-a** s**t in there! The jury house, I don’t think the entire group got the sense of what Godfrey was doing. I think a lot of us thought he was just dumb and playing a boring game. Now that I’ve got a chance to talk to him and pick his brain, he knew a lot more than I thought he did.
Sarah’s the champ, but if it was a tough vote. Godfrey played a great game.
So what do you think Godfrey could have done differently to maybe get some more attention from the jurors?
I think part of the skill of getting to the final two is being able to present your case to the jury. Godfrey painted a beautiful picture, but I don’t think he was able to present it as well. There was more fog around his picture of the game. Sarah was clear. It was clear-cut and open with what she did. Godfrey’s pitch was sexy, but I couldn’t get into it as much as I could with Sarah’s.
Early on in the game you had a good bit of trouble being a target, coming across as a smart, athletic guy. Did you expect to not be such an immediate target?
I did not expect to be such a target! I expected to start off playing slow, but then Bobby nominated me. I was on the block, so I couldn’t play off people’s radar. I had to play much quicker and much faster than I ever thought or hoped I would have to. So yeah, you can throw comps, but people get a sense of where athletic ability really lies. People just picked it up! It was a hard start to the game on my part where I was on the block, had to win the Veto, accidentally won an HoH, and I did everything I could, I think.
I’m going to go way, way back here. did anyone know that you popped the balloon?
A-ha! I think I got away pretty good with that! That was one of my favorite moments of the season. Before I got that task I was thinking about just doing it myself; I just wanted to see people’s [reaction]. Then I got the task, and it was the greatest thing ever! I popped the balloon. Sarah was suspicious; maybe she went and said a few things in the DR, but I thought I got away with it pretty clean.
Things started to pick up and you had a little more stability when the Diaper Alliance came into play. At around that time, did you really start to feel safe?
Yeah! I was very comfortable. I knew of the two showmances, Pili and I were the weaker side. Zach and Ashleigh were probably going to take more of the heat from the Diaper Alliance before Pili and I did, so I felt very comfortable in that group. I knew that they were very loyal, that Zach was a bigger target than me in most cases. That was a stable part of the game for me; Pili won HoH, then I won HoH. We had a lot of momentum!
OH WAIT, STOP! It’s a triple eviction!
Is there anything that you can do to prepare for something like a triple eviction?
During the week I tried to align myself as good as possible. Brittnee won HoH and it was announced as a triple eviction. I set myself up to survive a double eviction, but a triple eviction? Get out of here. I had minutes to make conversations happen. Give me a couple of hours and I can get some angles, give me a week and I can try something, have some conversations that make sense. I have seconds! I just couldn’t do it.
You mentioned Pili earlier. Is it weird to you to have so many people see and become invested in a relationship that you have on a show?
Dude, it’s weird. It’s really weird. I’m getting to know this girl, she’s getting to know me, and Canada is getting to know us … People come up to me and I feel like they know more about our relationship than I do. Like, when did we do this? I love it that they’re this involved! It’s so bizarre and so beautiful.
In poker it’s so easy to get into a game and get out, but this is a game where you are with people for so long and it gets personal. How hard is it to leave that stuff at the door?
I got very close and personal with everyone, but I wanted to cut everyone’s throat really badly. For me, it’s easy because it’s a game. It’s easy for me to be ruthless. Not a little people do that; like Willow, she’s not going to cut people because that’s not how she plays the game. I’m not saying that’s wrong, it’s just not how I play the game. Even Pili, I told her in the jury house that if I ever needed to cut her I would have. All logic, baby.
So if there’s another season and you are asked back, how do you change up your game.
I wouldn’t cast myself as an All-Star, but to have the questioned asked and to have other people reference it, give me a chance! Canada, if there is ANYTHING you can do to get me back in that house, [do it]! I left my soul there; the job didn’t get done. How would I change my strategy? There would be a lot of masterminds. I would probably have to play a lot harder, a lot faster. I don’t know if throwing comps and trying to slip by would work like it did in a rookie season.
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May 29, 2015 @ 1:36 am
Kevin, do you know what’s clear to viewers? Sarah told you to your face that she set up your endgame, and you gave her 100k for it. Now that’s what I call dumb.