‘Big Brother Canada 3’ finale review: Was Sarah Hanlon, Godfrey Mangwiza, or Ashleigh Wood the winner?

Big Brother -Tonight’s “Big Brother Canada” finale was a fascinating one to watch in many ways, mostly because this was a season where there was not a single dominant player. Ashleigh, Sarah, and Godfrey all did things to merit being at the end. At the same time, they all made a few mistakes here and there. For example, Ashleigh may not have done enough campaigning to Godfrey in the end, Godfrey may have undersold his game too much, and Sarah accidentally ended up evicting one of her closest allies in Willow during the triple-eviction.

We actually wonder whether or not Godfrey’s biggest mistake may have been not taking Ashleigh to the end when he won the final Head of Household. We have no real sense yet as to whether or not he would’ve received more votes. He still would have likely received some love from Bobby and Bruno, but could he have snagged a vote for someone like Sindy, Sarah, or Brittnee had he been sitting there with her? One of his biggest mistakes with Sarah was underestimating that she was just as good of a public speaker as he was.

When it comes to the final two jury segment, it was clear from the get-go, at least to us, that Sarah was winning the whole shebang. She received the majority of the questions, and many of them were extremely complimentary except to a certain extent Bruno’s, who may have tried to turn Willow or Brittnee against her at the very end. Godfrey gave a tremendous speech about how he didn’t need alliances or even Canada’s help to make it to the final two … which may not be the best thing to say with a Canadian audience in the studio, but that was probably his finest moment. (To be fair, though, it was Brittnee spared by the twist rather than Sarah. Maybe she would’ve been evicted later had Brittnee went there, but we cannot say that for sure since she went on to win the next Head of Household.)

Bruno and Bobby, as mentioned, were the only votes for Godfrey to win. Sarah is the victor! While we’re too close to this season still to determine if she is better than Jon or Jillian, she was very good at making connections with people and making jury members feel not only loved going out the door, but also like she was a big mover-and-shaker during the game. She convinced all of them subtly that she was the brains of the Fembots, and she did win a few competitions when she needed to. That’s why she is the champion, and why we’ll be seeing future players try to be like her. We didn’t see all the votes, but trust us when we say that it was 7-2.

However, let’s also give some credit to Godfrey, who played from our estimation easily the best game of any “Big Brother Canada” runner-up to date, and may be the best runner-up period since Dan Gheesling. Before that, you have to go back a long ways in the history of the show to find another runner-up that was as effective a player as he was. Episode Grade: A- (less filler would’ve been cool).

Quick Note: We will be speaking with all of the jurors and the final two tomorrow!

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