‘Big Brother Canada 3’ debate: Which juror should Ashleigh, Godfrey, Sarah evict?
Is the last “Big Brother Canada” twist of the season a good one? We do feel bad for the juror who will be evicted right before the finale, mostly because it will feel like they spent all of this time cooped up in the jury house for nothing. With that being said, there is a fun amount of strategy to it. Take, for example, that we have a Ashleigh and Sarah final two, and they decide to eliminate someone in Jordan from voting because he was named to the jury so long ago. If Ashleigh loses by a vote and Jordan would have voted for her, this would be a funny thing to behold.
So who actually will be evicted? Let’s eliminate some possibilities right away. There’s no way that Sarah agrees to evict Brittnee and Willow, while Ashleigh will definitely keep Zach and Pilar in her corner. We have no clue exactly what Godfrey will do, but it’d be in his best interest to keep Bruno and Bobby in his corner. This leaves us with three remaining question marks: Jordan, Kevin, and Sindy.
We don’t really think that Sindy is that big a question mark: She’d probably vote for Sarah, which means that it would benefit the other two to try to get her out of the jury. Personally, she’s the easy pick since it is only thanks to a twist that she is there.
Would Kevin vote for Ashleigh just because of the Diaper Alliance? Possibly, but we could see him voting for Godfrey or Sarah with the right argument. Jordan to us is somewhat of a free agent, given that he was gone so long ago that many personal ties to specific players are gone. Maybe he respects Godfrey for rallying against him on the block (if Sindy didn’t take all the credit for it already), or maybe he throws Sarah a bone for playing so hard.
Ultimately, it’s our feeling that Jordan will probably be the one evicted. It’s an easy argument to get rid of the first person named to the jury, and his vote is not clearly in anyone’s corner.
Who do you think will be the evicted juror? Share now with a comment, and head over here to read our review of last night’s episode! Also, sign up now to get some other TV updates on everything we cover, sent right in your direction via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)
May 26, 2015 @ 6:26 pm
Totally agree, I think it will end up being Jordan who gets evicted from the jury.
And WOW I loved the drama at the end of the episode, I thought I was watching a different season?! Where did that fight come out off Ashleigh?! I loved it. I love this twist, I’m so glad it wasn’t left up to Canada, because this will actually create some great TV for the finale! And this decision will be based around strategy instead of who is the most hated.