‘Finding Carter’ season 2, episode 9 video: Watch the opening sequence right now!
When it comes to MTV’s “Finding Carter,” one of the important things to remember is that in so many ways, the chaos never truly ends. While Lori was put away early on in season 2, what we are seeing now is more and more evidence that she is not out of Carter’s mind or story. It would be pretty hard for her to be in this instance, given that we are talking about a situation in which Lori attempted to take her own mind.
What is she going to do about it? We know if nothing else that the doctors overseeing Lori would like to meet with Carter if possible, and she has some debates that she has to wage as to whether or not she wants that. David and Elizabeth find themselves, judging from the extended preview for Monday night’s episode below, in a very precarious position. They do not want to suddenly be able to start handing out instructions as to what Carter should or should not do, mostly because they do not really know what is in her mind or heart when it comes to this.
However, they are clearly very concerned, and they have just about every right to be given everything that is transpiring. This is a huge ordeal, and not something that can be resolved in a short period of time.
Maybe we’ll have some answers as to what Carter is going to do by the end of this episode, but we imagine that it is going to get so much messier before things ultimately decide to tidy up.
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