‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: The great awards debacle
For all of you who bemoan outside influence into the “Big Brother Canada” game, you may have a little bit of a qualm at the moment with something that took place in late afternoon / early evening with the show doing its annual “awards” ceremony that involved a series of various moments from the season being highlighted for the final four contestants to enjoy.
The problem? Some footage of Sarah and Willow kissing made its way into the ceremony, and Brittnee was none too pleased seemingly finding out about that. It’s not jealousy in the sense that she wanted Sarah to kiss her, but more along the lines of the fact that she never realized how close Willow and Sarah were. She had specifically nominated Willow because she knew the two had been spending more time together … but still did not realize anything else.
Godfrey seemed to be okay with whatever was shown for the most part, while Ashleigh was mostly just embarrassed seeing footage of herself around Zach.
This is the last weekend for the live feeds, and hopefully at some point we learn who wins the final Power of Veto of the season before they go down over the next few days. That winner is the person who controls all of the power. If Sarah wins, she determines who votes; if someone else wins, they will be the one voting unless something crazy happens.
Don’t worry, Fembot fans: We see this more as an annoyance for the two than something that will keep them from falling apart now. It wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense for them to consider taking some other people to the end right now, even if it sounds from our interview with Zach earlier that there is zero chance he votes for Godfrey in the end.