‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Godfrey, Ashleigh, Sarah, Brittnee, and plotting
We have our final four on “Big Brother Canada 3,” and much of the week ahead is going to be about leverage. Everyone needs to make a compelling argument for why they should stay in the game, and why others should feel comfortable with them around.
The person in the hardest position right now is Ashleigh, mostly because she needs either herself or Godfrey to win the Veto for her to be safe. If either one of them wins, they control who to vote out, and they will most likely vote out Brittnee. They had a long talk about this last night, and both agree that she’s made some huge moves in the game. She got out Graig, she was HoH for both the triple and the double eviction, she’s been on the block numerous times, she’s suffered often as a Have-Not, and she’s obviously a fan favorite because of the twist. Brittnee has a huge resume. While Godfrey may or may not ultimately decide to go to the final two with Ashleigh (he could be worried about the Diaper Alliance all rallying behind her), he needs her to be in the final three.
Meanwhile, Sarah and Brittnee are going to be doing their best to convince Godfrey over the coming days that they are not necessarily taking each other to the final two, even though they most-likely would. This is the reason why he would take them out besides Brittnee being a big threat. They both agree that Ashleigh will have a ton of votes if she sticks around, and that could make it harder for them to win.
This week is going to be interesting, and we’re personally hoping for a Godfrey Veto win. Why? It’s as simple as that this will create the greatest amount of paranoia and chaos in the house.
Later today, we hope to have our interviews with Zach and Pilar published at the link here. Stay tuned! Also, you can sign up here to get some further TV updates sent to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)