‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: The new Head of Household is…
While it may not be as powerful as some other Head of Households that you can win throughout “Big Brother” or “Big Brother Canada,” the final four HoH is still one that is very nice to have. It serves as immunity, since in the event that someone other than HoH ends up winning the Veto, the Veto winner is the person who will be casting the deciding vote.
So who is power now? It is going to feel somewhat predictable: Sarah has it. Therefore, she is going to get a chance to go to finale night, where she has a one in three chance presumably of winning the game. She will most likely nominate Ashleigh and Godfrey, not that it will really matter.
Obviously, the person who should be worried now is Brittnee. If either Ashleigh or Godfrey win this Veto, she is as good as gone since neither one of them will want to face an alliance of two in the final three. That completely rules out any chance that they will make it to the end if one of the Fembots wins the final HoH, since it makes more sense for them to take each other.
Regardless, we would say with all likelihood that Godfrey is going to be safe until we get to the final three. It makes more sense for Brittnee to want to evict Ashleigh over him, mostly because she will likely have the votes of her fellow Diaper Alliance teammates and maybe even Bruno against her or Sarah in the end. That is such a huge chunk of the jury, and who knows what Jordan would do?
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