‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Live updates on Double Eviction!
Tonight, “Big Brother Canada” is airing a little bit early in order to accommodate the finale of “Survivor,” and that means giving us an early dose of Double Eviction Drama! We don’t always love these shows since they really eliminate flip-the-house possibilities, but this late in the game that is probably not as likely to happen anyway.
We’re going to be doing something a little bit different in this review; instead of telling you the results at the end, how about we go through the journey together? We’ll be updating this live as the night progresses, so be sure to check back for some more information in the near future.
First eviction – It felt pretty obvious that Zach was going to be voted out, and in the end the vote was 3-0 to send the guy home. We’re not sure that it made a ton of sense to everyone, but we understand it for Godfrey. He has a better chance of winning in the final three … if he can at least make it that far.
Head of Household Competition – Brittnee won! We know that she was bailed out in a sense by that Have-Not twist, but in between multiple HoH wins and surviving on the block, she is starting to make a good case for herself.
Nominees – Brittnee put up Ashleigh and Pilar … no surprise there.
Jury House – The most fascinating part of this to us was mostly seeing Bruno deliberately try to taint the jury against Sarah by telling Willow about how she was voted out. We’re not sure that we love the move even if we like Bruno, but we should add in here that we interviewed Willow after Bruno arrived last week and she didn’t seem to be emotionally torn up about it at all.
Second eviction – Pilar went home, but she seemed more interested in getting to change than she did being evicted from the game.
If you do want to get some other updates on the “Big Brother Canada” season, be sure to head over to the link here right now! Also, you can sign up now to score some further TV updates on all we cover, courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)