‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Zach campaigns hard

Zach -Should we make this article a lengthy defense of Zach and his “Big Brother Canada” game? We could, just because the guy has been fairly easy to dogpile for a variety of reasons. He has come across as condescending at times, made and broken alliances, and turned many people off pre-game by telling off Peter Brown on social media and acting like a good guy on the show.

Now that we’ve said all of that, we are going to give him some credit. He has not played a terrible game by any means, and while it is possible he would still be going home Wednesday even if Britt went before she pulled out the twist, why knows what could have happened? We’re at least happy that he is fighting to stay in the game rather than picking up his bag and walking out the door.

Also, Zach has made a good point to Ashleigh in particular: If she goes to the final three with him and Godfrey, she automatically makes it to the final two. Sure, she can probably make it without him, but if we were looking for safety, we’re rather trust Zach to win the next two HoH competitions than trust Pilar, who will always be kept over Zach. He’s more of a shield in case Brittnee wins. We actually think it makes more sense for Ashleigh and Godfrey to keep him than someone who is going to be a pawn the rest of the game, but they may not see it that way. Zach wasting his time with Brittnee, who probably wants the big TV moment of taking him out, and not spending time with Godfrey is his biggest mistake right now.

Ultimately, it makes sense for Brittnee to get the guy out, since he would never take her to the end, and she cannot hide behind him as a shield like Ashleigh or even Godfrey could.

Anyway, thanks Zach for at least trying to fight for some votes, and keeping the live feeds interesting. We may miss you after Wednesday just for that alone.

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