‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Chill, Big Brother
It’s ironic that this is the title for the “Big Brother Canada” rap task, mostly because “chill, Big Brother” is what we’ve been saying almost the entire season. The show has gone bonkers in between the twists and the sponsors!
Remember when we had a Power of Veto Competition that was not tied in some way to a commercial? Tonight was Shomi, and before that we’ve had Ramada, KFC, and some other products represented. We also had a massive Pizza Pizza ad during the show on Sunday. They do fund the show and we appreciate that, but we do still wonder if there is a way to make things a little less obvious. At least tonight had funny outfits and reminders of great shows like “Sons of Anarchy” and “American Horror Story.”
The real entertainment tonight came courtesy of Godfrey’s task, mostly because he tried to rile up the other houseguests and make them as paranoid as humanly possible. In return, they got a task. We do for the most part like these tasks and feel like they do play a role in spicing up the season a little, even if they do cut out some of the character-development scenes that we see on some other shows.
The entertainment of Godfrey helps to compensate somewhat for a pretty predictable end to the episode, given that we saw ultimately Pilar be put up as a replacement nominee, which further ensured that Zach would probably be evicted come Wednesday night’s results show. It’s pretty unlikely that anything crazy will come in the days ahead. Grade: B-.
If you do want to get some other updates related to “Big Brother Canada,” head over here to read our most-recent contestant interview! Also, sign up now to score some other TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)