‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Is Brittnee’s eviction plan the right one?

Britnee -Tonight’s “Big Brother Canada” episode is starting more and more to feel insane, mostly because of the notion that Canada gave Brittnee a whole lot of power, but she may not use it in a way that actually benefits either her game or the game of those close to her.

Instead, she may just decide to use it to get rid of Bruno over Zach, which if she does, she really should just let Zach win the money. While Ashleigh may have Pilar more as her final two than she does Captain Canada, she is of course going to keep her around for as long as humanly possible. Bruno doesn’t really have that much loyalty from anyone, save for maybe Zach and Godfrey to a certain extent. Neither would probably stick their neck out in order to save him from being evicted.

The problem with Bruno is that he sunk his own game for the most part by repeatedly blowing up on Sarah, which makes getting rid of him an easy emotional play. Sure, he is a decent player, but he would never get Sarah’s jury vote after all of this, and he may have turned off others by talking about how much he needs the money for his family. It’s the total #DevinHasADaughter syndrome.

What’s worse is the idea that Bruno and Godfrey could be up together, which means that Godfrey would likely leave thanks to a tiebreaker vote, and Canada would have ultimately used the power to get rid of arguably the most popular male player in the house. The smart thing is to just nominate Zach and Godfrey, and get rid of Zach since he has more allies and you may not have another chance.

This is why we do like these long weeks before eviction, though; it has people overthinking their own games, and doing crazy moves that we would never imagine for them.

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