‘Agents of SHIELD’ season 2 finale review: Simmons’ fate, and do we have an ‘Inhumans’ setup?

Simmons -Did you really think that Simmons would be spared of at least one insane surprise on Marvel’s “Agents of SHIELD” for the entire series? Let’s be honest here: Sooner or later, something crazy was going to happen to her. It only makes sense that it would come up in the tail end of the season 2 finale.

Right when things are finally turning peaceful and she is getting set for an evening out with Fitz, alien goo has to suck her up and ruin all of the fun! As for what this means, we are curious already to find out. This is one of those cliffhanger endings that is so out of left field, you cannot really predict the next move … other than that we do still think that Fitz and Simmons are totally getting together at some point in the future. We’ve invested far too much time in this otherwise.

We’ve also invested a ton of time this season in the Skye story, and in Coulson setting up a special team for people with a certain kind of powers, we’re starting to think that we are getting our setup for the eventual “Inhumans” movie that is a few years down the road. In between that and the tail end of the story involving Skye’s leftover crystals (which felt almost like a part of some educational film on the environment), we feel like we’ve mostly got our setup for that story moving into the future.

Meanwhile, Coulson only has one hand, Cal kills Skye’s mother to save her from having to do it, Ward potentially rises further to power, and Bobbi somehow figures out a way to survive, mostly because there was at one point a spin-off about her. These two hours were BONKERS, and we mean that in the best possible way: Fast-paced, intense, well-acted, and extremely well-written. This is the show we were hoping to see back in the fall of 2013 when it first premiered. Pound for pound, there was enough excellence here to comprise a Marvel movie. Grade: A.

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