‘Ink Master’ season 6: Masters vs Apprentices: Meet the contestants, plus artist spotlights
Have you been dying to know more about the “Ink Master” season 6 cast? Us too, and now we finally have a better look at the new season and that includes photos, spotlight videos and an over all video highlighting the artists. There are some interesting, new artists in the competition this year and apposed to last year where it was all drama and rivals, it seems that many of these Masters and Apprentices have a lot of mutual respect for each other and some are even teaming up to take out the competition and bring each other to the end!
One of the big surprises that came out of the video below (where you too can meet the cast) was that Craig Foster from season 3 is back for a second kick at the can. In the past when “Ink Master” has brought back returning players for a second chance, they have used that as a big part of their promotional package, but this time around they really haven’t mentioned Craig coming back and we have been wondering why they wouldn’t have… especially since he is coming back as an apprentice! If you don’t remember Craig, he was on season 3 and was sent home during pin up week for not being able to do black and grey…. this was something that we complained endlessly about in our “Ink Master” podcast for that season. Why wasn’t he sent home during black and grey week if he was going to be sent home for his black and grey work and not just because they didn’t like his pinup? We always thought Craig got a bit of the shaft, so we are happy to see him back.
There is once again a real lack of women in this cast with only 3 women competing this season, but the women are here to play hard. Are we ever going to see a female winner? Maybe this is the year, because there are some really talented women here that are laser focused on the title and less so on the drama. The men, however, seem to be ready for a fight or two… but would it really be “Ink Master” if someone wasn’t ready to punch someone else out?
This video below only gives us a tiny taste of the cast, but we are going to be posting a new “Master vs Apprentice” spotlight each day on one duo and how we think they are going to fare in the competition. Our “Ink Master” spotlights will also include more in-depth videos on the contestants and you can check that out here.
As always, we are going to be here to be your guide through all things “Ink Master” this season, so be sure to bookmark us. Besides the contestant spotlights, we will also have weekly reviews, previews, podcasts and interviews with the artists at the link here. Also if you want more great TV news sent your way then be sure to sign up for our weekly CarterMatt newsletter. (Photo: Spike TV)