‘Orange Is The New Black’ season 3, episode 1 review: Alex returns, worst Mother’s Day ever
It has been a long wait for new episodes of “Orange Is The New Black”, but now the waiting is finally over and it’s time to binge watch all the new episodes and see what Piper and the gang have been up to since the last time we saw them a year ago (can you believe it’s been that long???). We expect to see some new faces at the jail this season as well as some of our old favorites (we’re looking at you Crazy Eyes) and we know there will be more drama for Piper and Alex as there always is with these two.
Now that there has been a change in staff at the prison, the environment seems to be a lot more laid back and controlled. They are allowing more activities for the inmates and more social time, but people like Nicole and Big Boo are using it to their advantage to move product out through the tunnel Red has in the green house to make some money in the outside world. Only trouble is, now that Red is back in gen pop and only has a few years left to serve, she’s decided to close off the tunnel permanently and serve out her time quietly.
Alex has found a way to land herself back in jail again on gun related charges, but instead of being her normal confident self, this time she is really shaken up that the blew her opportunity to start again. Piper is happy to see her and it’s like no time has passed between them.
The mother’s day theme was a really sad one as we saw how many of the women’s mothers were some of the worst people on the planet and was a little bit weird to watch with father’s day coming up in a week. We won’t get to deep into the mother’s day theme since it was a really depressing story after another as we saw Maria’s man refusing to bring her daughter to see her anymore, Doggett mourning over babies that never made it and Crazy Eyes not being allowed to participate in the events with her homemade kite. Over all this was a really heavy premiere and its was missing a lot of those lighter moments that gave this show a very different tone on this serious subject matter in past seasons. Episode grade: B-
What did you think of the season 3 premiere of “Orange Is The New Black” and do you like the set up for the new season? Leave us a comment below and tell us your opinion. If you want to read more news or other episode reviews for the show then head over to the link here and let us be your guide. Also, if you want more great TV news sent your way then be sure to sign up for our weekly CarterMatt newsletter. (Photo: Netflix)