‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Head of Household finally revealed!
Are we in for another crazy week on “Big Brother Canada“? We’re not entirely sure that we would call it “crazy” just yet, but it is certainly a week nonetheless. If nothing else, it looks to be a week where Ashleigh is going to have some power in the game.
Ashleigh is the new Head of Household following a very long break in the live feeds, which may be a clue there was a lengthy competition. Her selection here is relatively interesting given the current state of the game. Given what Bruno just did to save Zach, you would think that he would be safe, right? Maybe, but that’s not a given. We figure that her loyalty will be to Zach #1, to Pilar #2, and then maybe to Bruno after that, but she has developed good relationships with most of the women. Godfrey is a safe nominee here, and she could very well just pawn up Brittnee to also just have someone on the block.
What makes much of this week fairly useless is the game-changing Have-Not power, which Sarah / Brittnee / Godfrey is likely to get (we imagine they’ll get most of the Have-Not votes from Canada) and which could be really detrimental to Zach’s game in particular. If Godfrey, for example, is able to nominate Pilar and Zach, he is probably toast. If either of these three want him out, this would be the right way to go about it.
We’ll have more news later, but it seems like feeds were down for everything from preparation to most of the immediate stress that happens after the competition ends.
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