‘Call the Midwife’ season 4, episode 6 review (PBS): Patsy and Delia’s dance

Patsy -Are Patsy and Delia the most fascinating relationship in “Call the Midwife“? we are hesitant to put one pair over any other just from the standpoint of fairness, but without a doubt, these two are particularly interesting. Why? There is really no one else like them on the BBC series.

Also, they are an example of finding a way to make a relationship work despite insurmountable odds. Just from the dance scene alone tonight, you most likely got the sense that these two are in love, even more so than you did earlier this season. However, we also saw in here at the same time that these two know very well that it is hard for them to publicly be together. Their dance meant something more to them than any other couple on the floor; it was the chance to be a part of something, while it was still projected as innocence to others. It takes us away from most of the other action of the show, even for just a minute or two.

Obviously, this couple is meant in a way as hope for all love, both in this show and real life. However, happiness in this episode also does not guarantee happiness forever. It just means that they are interesting to watch at this very moment and we will have to see what happens from here.

There were also stories in this episode about culture and looking into your past, and we have some more about that in our original review of this episode. We just wanted to provide a more individual spotlight tonight based on the strength of these two characters.

What do you think about these two, and do you want to see more of them on the series? Share now with a comment, and head over here to get some other news related to the series! Also, you can sign up here in order to get some other TV updates on everything we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: BBC.)

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