‘The Flash’ season 1, episode 21 trailer: ‘Grodd Lives’ looks all sorts of awesome already

Reverse Flash -The Flash” has done a pretty tremendous job of hyping up their show ever from the beginning of the series; did you really think that things were going to be any different now?

The new extended trailer below for “Grodd Lives” is all sorts of excellent for a variety of different reasons, with the primary one being merely the imminent threat of a telepathic gorilla killing machine that Harrison Wells / Eobard Thawne has unleashed as a temporary distraction. In many ways he has to regroup after being found out as the Reverse Flash, and then prepare for the next phase of his plan. He has always had a singular goal, and it was not so much to kill all of Central City as it was to just get back to his own time. Granted, there is also something that The Flash has done to him somewhere along the timeline that is forcing that personal vendetta, as well.

To go along with all of this chaos, you also have to remember everything else that is going on. The future for Barry and Iris is also particularly interesting, given that she is now very well aware of his feelings and the fact that he is actually The Flash. What is this going to mean for their relationship? The show has not hesitated to move things along at a brisk pace.

One other thing here to ultimately remember is this: We’ve heard that the Killer Frost storyline will not be completely forgotten about this season, so expect a change for Caitlin at some point before the story concludes.

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