‘The Blacklist’ season 2 spoilers: The story of Liz Keen, her mom, and her past
For those of you who are fans of “The Blacklist” and have long demanded answers on Liz Keen’s past, we are starting to get just a little bit closer to finally getting some answers on the subject.
Specifically, we are talking more about getting to see more of her mother, and learning about how Reddington is connected to her in par through that. Will we figure out whether or not he is her father this season? We cannot say that one way or another; while we feel it is unlikely, this may be a secret that the show still dangles until its last breath. We’d say more about this storyline right now, but we figure that it would instead be more useful to just share what executive producer Jon Bokenkamp had to say on the subject recently per Entertainment Weekly:
“The storyline about the woman who she has found in this photograph, who Red has confirmed is her mother, takes us not only forward in terms of who Liz is, but it’s going to take us back to the night of the fire, to what happened in this period of time that has somehow been lifted or erased from her memory somehow … We are, in the last few episodes, going to be going back to that critical night in which so much of the story has its roots. Yes, we’re going to have a big discovery. The storyline of Liz and her mother and how she’s connected to Red is going to be at the heart of our finale.”
We are almost certainly at a point now when “The Blacklist” does need to offer up some more information. After all, the ratings hit a new series low Thursday night, and the messiness of the season has to be one reason why.
What do you want to see with Liz moving into the end of “The Blacklist” season 2? Let us know with a comment.
(Photo: NBC.)
May 4, 2015 @ 12:01 am
Seriously hoping Liz gets BACK with Tom (!) – watching them finding love through all the lies (mostly Red’s, actually) is the only reason to watch this show- otherwise it’s just the same tired back and forth over whether Red is her father or just a father-figure…
May 4, 2015 @ 1:40 pm
Totally agreed – I think there’s a whole lot that the writers can yet do with this story. The relationship arc is the one thing that has really made the back half of the season interesting, given how badly overplayed & stale the Red/Liz angle has gotten.
Michelle Marquis
May 3, 2015 @ 8:27 pm
I want to see Liz break up with Tom! It feels like I am watching The Tom Keen show. What happened to Liz and Red? If the the powers that be and the writers keep going down this road with Tom, I am done!
May 4, 2015 @ 1:31 pm
I disagree – Tom is the most interesting character in the show after Red and the Tom/Liz arc helps to humanize Liz. As for Red and Liz, a big part of why the rating are down is we’ve seen far too much of the Liz & Red show – when she’s being manipulated anymore, it just comes across that she’s being petulant. Given how shot-through with traitors the AG, the FBI and the CIA are, my guess is Liz is going to have to leave the FBI, similar to how Red left the Navy. She’s going to need a sidekick who is actually interesting, unlike Ressler, and she also needs someone loyal only to her, not Red and not the government (which can no longer be trusted, according to the series anyway).
May 5, 2015 @ 1:21 am
I’m with James- Liz needs Tom and the show needs their love story – Red’s a great character but needs a romantic and formidable pair to play off of, and Ressler etc.won’t cut it. Just hope the writers don’t screw it up by killing Tom or making him a bad guy again – been there, done that. It’s cool to have a knight in tarnished armor, and Tom fits the bill.
Besides, he drives a Mustang!
Michelle Marquis
May 6, 2015 @ 12:08 pm
You know Tom was abusive to Liz, and that is wrong! How can you justify that is beyond me! Would you be with someone that is abusive just because they drive a Mustang?!
Annette Madrigal
May 18, 2015 @ 12:58 pm
Michelle when was Tom abusive other than when she found out who he was? He had a job and happened to have fallen in love. What about Elizabeth who had him chained for 4 months? Now that is abusive.