‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Maids and complications
Today in “Big Brother Canada,” there is great potential for moves to be made! The fact that Kevin is being so quiet about how he will use the Power of Veto (he has already nominated both Bobby and Brittnee) is leaving us with a whole lot of ambiguity. We’re worried for Bruno, but Godfrey and Bobby still are not out of the woods yet, either.
For now, let’s just give you what we feel are three important things to know as we get a little bit deeper into the afternoon. Note that almost anything can still happen here to fundamentally shake things up, since we’re still mostly likely a ways from the Veto Ceremony.
1. As a form of punishment for the house seemingly being so messy (or maybe it is a task?), Kevin and Zach have been on cleanup duty strutting around in maid outfits. The idea of men dressing up in women’s clothing is almost now cliche, but this was worth it just to hear them complain about how painful high heels truly are. More evidence that ladies have it far harder than men in the fashion department.
2. We really want to like Brittnee, since she is an underdog and she had one episode full of great confessionals about a “master plan.” However, she spends so much time whining and acting like being in the house is the most terrible thing that has ever happened to her that it is hard.
3. Bruno, Brittnee, Sarah, and Willow have talked about trying to convince Kevin to backdoor Zach, which would almost never happen at this point. What would the motivation be? We do think that Kevin could turn on his Diaper Alliance partner at some point, but there is no reason to so early. Maybe do it at the finale five or some other point where you think you can still have the numbers to get to the end.
If you missed our feed highlights from last night (which included our recent RHAP podcast appearance), head over to the link here! Also, be sure to sign up to score some other TV updates on everything we cover courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)
Qi Zhao
May 3, 2015 @ 7:07 am
well……I do like Brittney.