‘Big Brother Canada 3’ interview: Sindy ‘with an S’ Nguyen on being evicted a second time
It is always difficult to be evicted from “Big Brother Canada,” but having it happen twice? That is something totally different. You also have to add in there that Sindy “with an S” Nguyen was someone who played the game aggressively almost every single second she was a part of it. She tried her hardest to win competitions, and even more than that she pushed and pushed players to evict Jordan and then save her. Part of her downfall is simply an issue of her being such a huge threat, and someone players wanted to target because they knew she was playing the game, and hard.
So what did Sindy have to say about this eviction today? We had a chance to speak briefly with her on a few subjects in a conference call. Note here that we are limited to three questions for time, and that we are still limited to a variety of topics due to her being a member of the jury. Real talk here: Pre-game Sindy was starting to drive us up the wall a little bit with the whole “with an S” shtick, but we have to say that she was really good TV and her answers here are pretty fantastic.
CarterMatt – Do you think you would have had a better chance had Godfrey stayed on the block?
I would have been better had Godfrey stayed on the block, because I would have had Sarah, Brittnee, and Willow’s vote to stay over Godfrey, and because Godfrey made it publicly known that he was going after Zach, I made it publicly known that I was going after Bobby. Zach and Ashleigh would have voted for me to stay, and Godfrey would have gone home … but no! Godfrey had to win the PoV and $5,000!
After this week with her as HoH, what do you think of Pilar’s game?
Oh sorry, I didn’t know Pilar had a game! She literally had this golden opportunity to make a big move without any repercussions. If she had put up anyone other than me or Godfrey, nobody would have gone after her. Instead, they would have blamed it on me anyways, saying that ‘I think that she influenced her decisions.’ They still would have gone after me, they would have never gone after Pili, and if they did go after Pili, they would go after Kevin first and then her.
Like I said to her in your ear, I was so disappointed in her game. She should’ve listened to what her family said, which was to ‘keep your head in the game and do not let your feelings impact your actions.’ Pili, ugh! Such a waste of an HoH.
Had you survived and won Head of Household for this coming week, who would you have nominated and why?
I would have nominated Kevin and Pili, giving them a speech about how they could have used the opportunity I gave them, but instead they decided to chew it up and spit it out in my face. If Kevin or Pili won Veto, I would have backdoored Zach. I do want to break up the showmances, because if you break up one, the other will break off and have nothing to do but to come to my side. So yeah, Kevin and Pili, and then backdoor Zach if they took themselves down.
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