‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Was Sindy or Brittnee evicted?
Tonight’s “Big Brother Canada” eviction show was almost like a redux of the first one, mostly because it was a showdown between Sindy or Brittnee with the same predictable result. Everyone knew what was going to happen, so there was virtually no drama at all in watching her campaign relentlessly for something that was not going to happen.
If we were to eulogize Sindy’s game this season, what we would say at this very moment is that she tried a little too hard to get back into everyone’s good graces, and then tried too hard to make moves. What Bruno said was 100% right, even if it was too little, too late for her at that point: This is a game all about patience. You have to slowly get allies and plan things out, and it is dangerous when other people know how smart you are. She plays 100% all of the time, and it makes for great TV! Unfortunately, it does not equal longevity in the game.
We found the task early in the episode fun, but we loved the Head of Household Competition and how this was a standard shakeup from how these are typically done. Sindy rates her answers on various subjects from a 1 to 100, and the houseguests have to guess how she rated them. Of course, we also hated the fact that we only saw a few short seconds of it. Why in the world are we being deprived of these? Still don’t understand, since everyone already will know via the live feeds anyway.
Oh, there is also a triple-eviction coming. Who knows how that will work?
As a whole, one of the weaker eviction episodes of the season still. Nothing that substantial, and only a minor Marsha the Moose cameo to make things better. Grade: B-.
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