‘Arrow’ season 3 spoilers: Say goodbye to the Arrow-cave?

Arrow -Are the days of Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, and John Diggle solving crime underneath Thea’s bar on “Arrow” kaput? It sure seems like it. The fact that everyone now knows that it is there kind of eliminates the purpose of a secret lair. Also, there’s the little problem otherwise known as Oliver Queen not even technically being the Arrow at the moment; he is busy carting around the personal of Al Sah-Him, Heir to the Demon.

So even though the Arrow and the Arrow-cave may in some ways be gone, that does not mean that Team Arrow is disbanding in the slightest. Instead, they are figuring out a new way to fight crime with a slightly augmented team, one that includes now Ray Palmer and Laurel Lance. Speaking on the subject to E! News, executive producer Marc Guggenheim makes it clear that Ray’s new company / Oliver’s old company will prove rather valuable:

“[Team Arrow is] going to end up hanging out a great deal at Palmer Technologies … We had to expand Ray’s workshop to allow for scenes with now suddenly a whole large group of people rather than just Ray and Felicity. So we did a little bit of set redesign and set redecoration. That basically is the lair for the remainder of the season. That said, you haven’t seen the last of the lair yet. It makes one final appearance in [episode] 21.”

Given that Ray will eventually be on the spin-off series, we envision that we will have another set for the team down the line. As for what that set will be, though, we’ll have to wait and find out until potentially even season 4.

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