‘Supernatural’ season 10, episode 20 video: Misha Collins’ Castiel calls in backup

Castiel -When Wednesday night’s “Supernatural” episode airs, Castiel is going to find himself in a particularly strange place. Why is that? It is because he is being forced yet again to relate to teenagers. That is somewhat out of his wheelhouse.

So what happens when he determines that he has to do his part in order to help out Claire Novak? Predictably, he decides to call in the help of Sam and Dean! This is what the sneak peek below is all about. We have a chance to see Misha Collins’ character outside of a hospital, basically waiting for the Winchesters to show up. He thinks that he’s no good without them, and they have been troubled teens before and they know how to help potentially both with dealing with her and the potential search for Amelia.

Ultimately, the timing seems right for there to be a Castiel episode. There are still three episodes left after Wednesday, and they can focus more on ending the current story with Dean, and then hopefully embarking on a new mythology … or at least this is what we are hoping. Also, we hope that it can be one that gives Castiel even more great stuff to do. While he has some pretty interesting stuff going on right now trying to manage the guilt that he feels from his past, it took a little while this season for his story to really start to rocket off of the ground.

We will have something further on this episode soon, so be sure to stay on the lookout for that!

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