‘The Originals’ season 2, episode 20 video: Show bosses prepare us for Dahlia’s latest move

Originals -The Originals” is a series bent in many ways on surprising us, so don’t be too alarmed when they try to pull off some of their latest tricks Monday night with “City by the Sea.” This is a story that will be all about trying to figure out if there is away to protect Hope from Dahlia’s clutches, and the lack of unity among the Original family is going to be a massive part of what makes this so difficult.

One thing that has been rather interesting to watch over the past few weeks has been the wide array of different fan reactions to the vampire anthology that exists on The CW. While there are some who seem to be turning against “The Vampire Diaries” as it approaches the end of its latest season, the attention and adoration for “The Originals” is almost at an all-time high. The only real reason we can see for this is merely because of Dahlia herself.

As executive producers Michael Narducci and Julie Plec explain below, they have Elijah and Freya working together to devise a plan in the present, all while Klaus sits with a dagger in a heart. This was one of the ways to get into Dahlia’s head, but what they all do not realize is that Dahlia can seemingly jam herself into Klaus’ mind and show him a very different world from his own. He will learn more about her past, and see that perhaps their view on the world is not that different.

Ultimately, the question that you really have to ask yourself is this: What could this mean in the long-term if Dahlia is able to get to Klaus? Can she turn him in a way against his own daughter?

Want to get some other news related to “The Originals”? Head over here to see another preview for Monday night’s episode, and sign up now to get some other TV updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)


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