‘Grey’s Anatomy’ season 11: More Patrick Dempsey comments on departure released

Derek -While the exit of Patrick Dempsey from “Grey’s Anatomy” has been well-documented and also publicized over the past 72 hours or so, it is understandable that there are still going to be questions. How could there not be? This is one of the most-popular shows on TV losing one of its stars, and with that there are of course going to be many people curious in knowing every detail surrounding how and why the decision was made for him to leave now.

Unfortunately, we are probably not going to get every detail on the departure of Dempsey anytime soon. Today Entertainment Weekly ran a longer edition of their interview with the actor, one in which he said that he may never explain fully some of the circumstances surrounding him being written out of six episodes this season before his departure. However, he did say that he was leaving on good terms with both creator Shonda Rhimes and also star Ellen Pompeo.

Also, he attributed many of the reasons behind his desire to move on to the busy schedule:

“At the end of the first season, I thought there was no way we could sustain 24 episodes. I had never done a run that long before. After doing 24 in the first season, I thought, How do we do this again? Twenty-four episodes is a lot of work for everybody – for the writers, for the crew, who is there every day. I have to be careful in saying that because we are well compensated and fortunate, but its long hours. We were doing 17 hours back then. Now we do 12 to 15 hours in a day. It’s 10 months out of the year. And that’s for 11 years. It’s extraordinary what Shonda Rhimes can do with the shows that she is running and how creative she is to sustain that, and how hands on she is. It’s pretty remarkable.”

This is about as political and smart an answer as Dempsey can give. He realizes that they are paid handsomely for the work, but at the same time, this still does not even remotely take away from the fact that this is still a lot of work that is being run over a long period of time. Dempsey has always been passionate about racing, but he has put that on hold for a while to pursue this dream.

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