‘Big Brother Canada 3’ interview: Jordan Parhar on blindside vote, overall experience, role as juror

Jordan -If you had asked us a couple of weeks ago if Jordan Parhar was going to be evicted from “Big Brother Canada,” our answer to you would have been really simple: No way. It was almost impossible to think that a super-smart, skilled superfan of the show would get himself in a situation where he could be evicted.

What Jordan fell victim to was a perfect storm of circumstances. He made a bad move in volunteering to go on the block, Zach made a bad move in putting him up, and then he made a terrible move throwing the Veto which he obviously regrets. Then, he couldn’t prepare for Sindy reentering the game, or her being in sequester and realizing that reducing Zach’s power was huge to her having a chance to win. He also thought he was in good with Sarah. There wasn’t one thing that caused Jordan’s exit; it was a variety of different unfortunate circumstances.

We had a chance to speak briefly with Jordan in a conference call Thursday. As per usual at this point in the game, we can only ask a handful of questions that do not contaminate the outcome.

CarterMatt – Is the sting of being evicted better or worse because it was a blindside?

I feel like it’s worse because for most of those votes, other than Naeha’s instant eviction, the people have time to process it in their heads and think about it before going home. They can start to get over the whole situation. For me, I basically went from being in the house and not seeing anyone other than those 15 people who I entered the game with for 35 days to all of a sudden being blindsided, having my dream shattered in front of my eyes, being swarmed by people in the outside. It was crazy, totally unexpected, and I’m surprised I didn’t have a heart attack. (Laughs.) It was insane, dude, as Paul Jackson would say.

You know what? I’m fine. I feel like I won the game just by being on it, so no hard feelings towards anybody.

As a juror, what are you going to be voting based on?

I’m going to just be voting on who’s playing the strongest game, who’s willing to be cutthroat and ruthless and making tough decisions. I’m also going to factor in who has had the toughest ride to get to the end, because some people are very comfortable and could just be floating to the end. I would not be shocked if I saw Willow sitting in the final two just because people write her off and she’s not a very good player. If that is the case, I have nothing against Willow personally, but if she is in the final two she is not going to be getting my vote. She had an easy ride, whereas if she gets to the end with someone like Kevin. If he manages to get to the end and pulls something out of his butt, I think he would 100% would deserve the $100 grand.

After being such a longtime viewer, was the experience everything you hoped for?

You know, the last check mark off the list was getting to the final two and winning, but other than that, I got to do everything that I wanted to do. I got to go in the house and live there for 35 days. It felt like 35 months. It was great and awesome. I got to make some relationships with some wonderful people who I never would’ve met had I never moved into the ‘Big Brother Canada 3’ house. It was incredible, having slop, being a Have-Not, making alliances, having bromances, having showmances, seeing Arisa. The whole experience was everything that I thought it could be. It was something that I will never forget and never take any of it for granted.

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