‘Gotham’ episode 20 spoilers: A very different Edward Nygma coming
Through the past nineteen or so episodes of “Gotham,” what we have learned about the character of Edward Nygma / the Riddler is that he is certainly someone who has the capacity for darkness within him. He may be well-intentioned most of the time, but he has been labeled a freak, and is an obvious an outcast. Even his attempts to impress the woman he adores in Kristin Kringle have turned out to be fairly fruitless so far as she keeps hooking up with bad boy cops… is becoming a bad boy himself the way to her heart?
So what happens when Kristin is in trouble, and he goes to great lengths in order to help her? What we could see starting tonight is a story that changes the man greatly, and he may have a very different definition of “help” than what we are used to from him. For more on this subject, just take a look at what actor Cory Michael Smith has to say in a chat with The Hollywood Reporter:
“It’s been fun for me because people will suddenly see a very different man … Circumstances are such that he can’t just go through life trying to be the good guy, and trying to put his best foot forward and try to give information and flirt with the girl. He just can’t do that anymore, and all of a sudden, he becomes far more complex and far more dynamic. Suddenly, there are secrets he has to deal with, and his life gets more complicated. I’ve gotten so excited as I’ve been reading the scripts.”
Smith also teases that one of the best parts about his story to come is that for the first time, you are really going to get a chance to see his character separate from what is going on in the GCPD, and completely on his own. This may lead to a slight change in his personality and we are looking forward to seeing what he’s all about away from work. Even just a peek into his apartment would be enough for us!
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