‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Sindy and Naeha’s fierce battle to return
We’re not going to spend too much time talking about most of the events of Sunday night’s “Big Brother Canada” episode … save at least for the competition to determine who was going to return to the game.
This was, in a word, fierce. Of course, we are going to say that this was slanted slightly to the women, mostly because it is easier for someone like Sindy or Naeha to hold to a rope on than someone so much heavier in Graig. Still, these two ladies were incredible. They were extremely determined, and each stayed up for a good hour and a half before Naeha finally fell. There’s no shame in that; while this was not one of those epic eight-hour challenges we’ve seen in past seasons of the American show, this was still one of the best ways to determine who should return that we’ve seen. We also really liked the “Big Brother 15” challenge that Judd won, since it combined endurance with a skill.
The one thing we really liked is that Sindy had to earn her immunity for the week, and that wasn’t just given to her as a result of winning the first challenge. Granted, we don’t technically know (at least from the show perspective) if she has it.
Now that we’ve given Sindy her props, let’s transition now to the bizarre moves of Head of Household Zach, who is already thinking way too much about how to protect his alliance that he’s getting a little cute. There is making a move and making no move; unless you actually do something with the Veto, there is no big move you make in taking out Godfrey. He doesn’t have many allies, and he is not thought of as a big threat.
Also, this episode introduced viewers to the Diaper Alliance for the first time … otherwise known as the most terribly-named alliance in the history of the Canadian show. We even preferred “Quatro” as a name to this. Episode Grade: B+ for Sindy’s fierceness.
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