‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: The waiting game and assorted tidbits
There’s really not going to be a whole lot to discuss on the “Big Brother Canada 3” live feeds today. As a matter of fact, it’s hard to even talk about the current makeup of the house since things could change here so quickly.
Let’s start here first and foremost by explaining what feels pretty obvious at the moment: Zach’s plan. He wants Bruno out of the house, so he is really pushing for most in the house to go along with the plan … or at least those in the know. The reality here is that everyone is afraid of Bruno in the end of the game. He’s so likable and he has such a good story that he would be impossible to beat. Granted, the tricky part of this is that Bruno or Godfrey could still win Veto. As long as Jordan remains on the block, he does have a chance. All it takes is convincing some others out there that Jordan is a huge threat that needs to be taken out, and he has even more allies than Bruno does.
As for some other assorted odds and ends at the moment…
1. The feeds have been up a good bit this morning, but they will be down soon. The buyback competition is going to be what really has the potential to shake up the entire game, depending on what happens during it. For example, will the winner come in, blow up the house, and immediately go on the block? Will they have a week of safety? It is to be seen.
2. Go watch the “Side Show” last night if you want to see Risha go off on Peter. We’ve known from talking to Peter over the years that he loves to play this sort of character a la a pro wrestling villain, so he probably enjoyed every minute of this.
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