‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Nominations and little reaction

Jordan -Well, the nominations are in on “Big Brother Canada’s” live feeds, and we cannot really say as a viewer that we are necessarily shocked. At the same time, we also cannot say that we are bored with this, either. We have the potential for a complete hot mess of a week. If nothing else, the current Head of Household reign is painting an enormous target on at least a pair of people to be taken out later.

Zach went with the plan, and that was to put Godfrey and his Newport alliance-mate Jordan up on the block. This was a calculated move for many reasons. Godfrey is one of the few players that Zach does not have deep ties to, and he is an easy person to evict if need be. However, at the same time he really wants to evict Bruno in a backdoor situation, with Bobby existing as another really good option in the event that chance presents itself to him.

Regardless of what Zach does this week, we do have to ponder this: Is it really a good move to keep Jordan on the block? This is a guy everyone has already said is the most likely person to win in the end based on that voting task, and if we were someone like Sarah or Brittnee, we’d strongly consider taking him out now if on some off chance he remains on the block. It’d be a huge move for them to win the Veto and not use it, but the look on Newport’s faces would be glorious. Do they think that they are really fooling anyone with this move?

The funny thing here is that we actually like Newport pretty well, but this house needs a little bit of life injected into it. We have not really had that in quite a while, and it is something that we really hope we get a chance to see again soon.

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