Is ‘The Blacklist’ season 2, episode 19 new tonight? Latest comic-book news!
Let us once again get the bad news out of the way here: There is no episode of “The Blacklist” airing on NBC Thursday night. The next installment is entitled “Leonard Caul,” and will air in just a week’s time. Hopefully, that is not too much time to make you suffer!
Luckily, what we at least have for you right now is the latest news in regards to how the show is branching out into another exciting venture in comic books. According to The Hollywood Reporter, there is going to be a comic series coming via Titan Comics starting in July. This is a chance to provide an extension of the TV series, while at the same time not necessarily doing anything that will keep viewers in the dark. We don’t get the sense that they are going to do anything a la when “Arrow” decided to kill off Bronze Tiger in an official comic book, therefore making it very hard for the show to do anything addressing him on the show ever again.
Nicole Phillips is going to be the writer for this series, while Beni Lobel will serve as the artist. There are some show-inspired comics that have done well, and the one real reason we feel like this could work is because we have already compared this series to a comic book on a number of occasions already. There are already creative and terrifying villains all over the place on the show.
There are four more episodes left this season, and they will air in succession starting next week.
(Photo: NBC.)
Lieutenant BaconWaffles
April 21, 2015 @ 9:32 am