‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: How the votes stack up
Sure, there was a ton of chit-chatting in the “Big Brother Canada 3” house last night, but how much of it really matters? It feels somewhat obvious what is going to happen, and then everything will fall apart once again after the next Head of Household Competition.
First and foremost, know that the votes are seemingly being aligned in a place where Johnny will be evicted tonight unanimously. He fought hard, and despite it maybe being in the interest of some to keep him (he could’ve been a tool for the Bromuda Triangle), that is not going to happen. Zach and Jordan are underestimating Brittnee and Sarah hardcore now, and if there is one huge mistake that these two guys are currently making, this is it. They’re starting to get a little too confident in their game.
Luckily for them, we have a strong feeling that the HoH Competition tonight will be a simple game of trivia, mostly because we just had endurance and we feel like the show is really going to want to close the challenge off during the show tonight. Jordan has already expressed an interest in wanting to win HoH this week, and he could easily do it here. The only other major threats to us are people like Sarah and Willow, who also know the game pretty well and could benefit from a little bit of power. If Jordan wins, we feel very worried that Bruno could go from HoH to right out the door.
The biggest thing we can tell you in this article is that it will most likely be Friday for sure until the evicted houseguest returns to the game. We have learned that we’re still doing an eviction interview Thursday afternoon.
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