‘Big Brother Canada 3’ live feed spoilers: Missing the party (but getting the hangover)

Godfrey -Most of the “Big Brother Canada” fan following at the moment is in revolt, and there is really a rather simple reason for it: Everyone expected after going through a whole day of the #bbtv experience that we were going to be there to witness all of it. Well, as it turns out, not so much.

The feeds were blocked out entirely for what was going to be the biggest party of the entire season, and it seems like it was a good one. There was random kissing (maybe Willow / Bobby), Godfrey getting so hammered that he was puking, dancing, and all sorts of crazy shenanigans in general. The group was given a decent amount of alcohol to enjoy in the process. What we wonder here is somewhat simple, and we’re going to not try to knee-jerk or be overly dramatic about it: Why have feeds if you are not going to show some of the best stuff that people want to see? We applauded production for giving us the #bbtv bit, since it was an attempt to rectify what was one of our biggest critiques of the season so far in boring feeds.

Unfortunately, it feels not that the show / “After Dark” are being highly prioritized and it is not entirely clear what is going to be shown here. For example, if the feeds are going to be down for a party but if something good is coming on “After Dark,” why not at least announced that in advance? It seems like a better PR move than not saying anything and leaving fans hanging on the internet, hoping to see something fun.

While we’re still enjoying the players this season for the most part, the super-censored nature of the feeds this year is turning us off to a big aspect of the game. We’ve said it before, but we would much rather pay a good chunk of change for more fulfilling feeds than have free ones that are extremely watered down. We don’t want to blame the move to Global, either, since CBS is a family network, as well, that is still able to have uncensored feeds.

The only real strategy update we can give you is that Johnny is still campaigning hard to save himself, but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.

You can read some other “Big Brother Canada” updates right now over at the link here. Also, sign up if you want to get some further updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)

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