‘Big Brother Canada 3’ review: Scrubs and screwovers
You never see people more excited to sit down and watch some random TV show than folks in the “Big Brother Canada” house, and there is one simple reason for it: These are people cut off from almost everything for a ridiculously long period of time! It’s probably the best product placement that the Global show “Remedy” could ask for, given that everyone seemed so thrilled over the opportunity to be able to check this out.
The best part of the episode was probably the silly task that forced the houseguests to run amok trying to find the way to “cure” Sarah after she “passed out.” It brings back memories of “Whodunnit,” where every week there was always some sort of mad scramble to figure out what happened with the murder of the week. Of course, Sarah was healed, and everyone was treated to a screening.
Strategically, we did not learn a whole lot new other than Kevin forcing himself to turn against Johnny in the Veto, which we have to say is a pretty unfair Veto challenge in that it gives the nominees almost zero chance to save themselves. The other players are not going to go against the Head of Household, so the nominees are easy targets. It was set up perfectly for the HoH to win it, and Bruno of course did. Johnny was hurt by the betrayal, and this could be really awkward if he somehow manages to find his way back in the game.
Aside from all of this, the Veto “twist” turned out be a massive flop since Bruno did not even use it. The only thing that annoyed us about the episode, Veto aside, was Kevin chastising Johnny for trying. Wouldn’t you do the same? Anyhow, we appreciated the fun tonight, but didn’t so much love some of the Veto nonsense. Grade: B-.
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